Travel Retailer Training Manual
To ease a complicated licensing process and allow for a compliant solution for Travel agents and tour operators (Travel Retailers) to offer Travel insurance and related products, the NAIC enacted a Travel Insurance licensing Act in cooperation with the United States Travel Insurance Association. Since its introduction in 2010, 48 states and the District of Columbia have adopted the model law allowing travel retailers to offer travel insurance and receive commission under a supervising entities licenses. There are requirements for operating under this method which we will cover here.
Let’s get started.
What is a Travel Retailer?
A Travel Retailer (Retailer) is a business entity that makes, arranges, or offers travel or related services and may offer and disseminate travel insurance as a service to its customers on behalf of and under the direction of a Limited Lines Travel Insurance Producer.
What is a Limited Lines Travel Insurance Producer?
A Limited Lines Travel Insurance Producer (LLTIA) is a licensed managing general agent or third party administer or a licensed producer designated by an insurance company as a travel insurance supervising entity. Under the Travel Retail licensing program, the LLTIA provides a oversite and authority to the Retailer to sell travel under their licensure and ensure that sales are in accordance with all laws and regulations. battleface Insurance Services LLC. (battleface) is a licensed LLTIA.
Why is this training important?
- To provide you and/or your company, the Travel Retailer (“Retailer”), with the requirements of (California) travel insurance agent licensing law, which allows you or your company to transact Travel Insurance under battleface Insurance Services, Inc. (battleface) Limited Lines Travel Insurance Agent (“LLTIA”) license.
- To explain the definitions, rules, and our policies regarding this law.
- To advise you on ethical obligations with respect to transacting insurance on our behalf.
What is Travel Insurance?
“Travel Insurance” is defined as coverage for personal risks incidental to planned travel, including one or more of the following:
- Cancellation or interruption of a trip or event;
- Loss of baggage or personal effects;
- Damage to accommodations or rental vehicles; or
- Sickness, accident, disability, or death occurring during travel
Travel insurance does not include major medical plans, which provide comprehensive medical protection for travelers with trips lasting six (6) months or longer, including, for example, those working overseas as an ex-patriot or military personnel being deployed.
What are your options for selling travel insurance?
Travel Retailers have two options for transacting travel insurance with residents of each state:
- The Travel Retailer may obtain a limited lines travel insurance license or travel line of authority in each state. Or,
- The Travel Retailer may be registered to operate under battleface’s business Entity Producer License as long as prescribed consumer protections are met.
Rules: What you MAY do
As an employee/contractor of a Retailer registered under battleface’s Limited Lines Travel Insurance license, you MAY transact Travel Insurance on our behalf and under our direction, including:
- Offer/disseminate information for authorized programs, including brochures, buyer guides, descriptions of coverage, and prices approved by battleface;
- Refer questions, not addressed on marketing material, for specific coverage/feature/benefit to battleface, Retailers may not interpret policy language;
- Disseminate/process applications for coverage, coverage selection forms, or other similar forms;
- Collect premiums on our behalf; and
- Collect and report policyholder information required by battleface.
Rules: What you MAY NOT do
As an employee/contractor of a Retailer registered under battleface’s LLTIA license, you MAY NOT:
- Represent yourself as a licensed insurance agent;
- Answer technical questions about the benefits, exclusions, and conditions of the offered insurance; nor
- Evaluate the adequacy of a customer’s existing coverage.
Rules: What you MUST do:
As an employee/contractor of a Retailer registered under battleface’s LLTIA license, you MUST:
- Only offer the Travel Insurance products that battleface, as the LLTIA, has authorized you to offer. Insurance offered from any other providers will not be authorized under battleface registration;
- Successfully complete this training and background attestation.
Ensure you and/or your company is listed on battleface’s LLTIA registration list; - Confirm that required disclosures are made to your prospective purchasers. battleface will supply approved disclosures and instructions for distributing them;
- Comply with U.S.C. 18 §1033 (Crimes by or affecting persons engaged in the business of insurance whose activities affect interstate commerce.
What you MUST disclose:
- Marketing or fulfillment materials, must include disclosure similar to the following:
This plan provides insurance coverage that only applies during the covered trip. You may have coverage from other sources that provides you with similar benefits but may be subject to different restrictions depending upon your other coverages. You may wish to compare the terms of this policy with your existing life, health, home, and automobile insurance policies. If you have any questions about your current coverage, call your insurer or insurance agent or broker. - A prospective customer must be notified of the following:
- Purchase of travel insurance is optional and not required in order to purchase any other producer or services offered by the travel retailer;
- If not individually licensed, a Retailer’s employee is not qualified or authorized to:
Answer technical questions about the benefits, exclusions or conditions of the battleface insurance program offered by the travel Retailer.
Evaluate the adequacy of the prospective insured’s existing insurance coverage
- Approved disclosures provided by battleface may be presented by the Retailer in one of three methods:
- Provided in writing to the purchaser; or
- Displayed by clear and conspicuous signs that are posted at every location where contracts are executed, included but limited to the counter where the purchaser signs the agreement; or
- Acknowledged in writing by the purchaser
Professional Ethics:
As a travel Retailer transacting Travel Insurance on behalf of battleface, you must be honest, trustworthy, respectful of others and their property, and compliant with the law. This includes:
- Working within the Terms of Law and Regulations, as well as the responsibilities granted under battleface’s license and the agency agreement.
- Conduct yourself in a professional business behavior
- Disclose known information related to the insurance transaction
- Understand what you can do, cannot do, and must do when transacting Travel insurance as a registered Retailer.
- Report any suspicious or fraudulent activity to battleface.
- Never engage in deceptive practices and misrepresentation
- Be fair to all parties involved in the insurance transaction
- Avoid conflicts of interest
- Understand fiduciary obligation to battleface while acting under our license.