Policy changes and cancelling my policy?

You can change your travel dates any time before you travel and cancellation is free within the cooling off period. If you wish to cancel we can offer you a full refund provided you cancel within 14 days of receiving your policy documents and before the start date of your policy. If you have already … Read more

Am I covered for dental treatment?

Yes, we will pay for the costs, up to the limit shown on your policy, of providing necessary temporary treatment for the immediate relief of pain or discomfort, and/or emergency repairs to dentures and orthodontic appliances. Please note the policy does not cover for any pre-planned dental treatment or diagnostic procedures.

What do you consider to be a pre-existing medical condition?

Any Medical Condition that, within the last 12 months, required any: surgery, inpatient or outpatient treatment, referrals or investigations of any sort. This includes being on any waiting list, taking any prescription medication, tablets or required medical treatment (This will not apply to common colds, flu or contraceptive medication) medical advice or treatment for any … Read more

Do I need to declare my pre-existing conditions?

Single-Trip Travel Medical product will not cover any claim arising directly or indirectly from a known pre-existing medical condition. You don’t need to disclose your pre-existing conditions to us when you buy a policy, but we may ask for relevant details of your medical history in the event of a claim.

Do you cover extreme Winter Sports?

There is strictly no cover under the terms and conditions of this policy when engaging in freestyle skiing, ski-jumping, ski flying, ski/snowboard-acrobatics, ski snowboard stunting, extreme skiing/ snowboarding, skeleton and luge or any variations.

What equipment does Winter Sport cover and for how much?

Equipment includes snowboards, skis, bindings, sticks/poles and boots. Winter Sports equipment is covered up to 750 (500 per single article, set or pair). Hired equipment is also covered (300 per single article, set or pair). Exclusions do apply, so please check the Policy Document for full details. The excess (deductible) for ski equipment is 50 per person … Read more