What is Winter Sports Optional Coverage?

Winter Sports coverage, when selected, covers equipment loss or damage for skiing and snowboarding. It extends the standard benefits of your policy to include claims which may arise when you are participating in winter sports. No coverage will apply in respect of Personal Liability claims. Winter Sports cover is only available if you are under 75 years old.

Am I covered for COVID-19?

Yes. COVID-19 is treated as any other sickness. This policy covers You for medical expenses arising from Covid-19 infection while You are outside Home Province or Territory. The Covid-19 benefit is available for COVID-19 (the disease); SARS- CoV-2 (the virus); and any mutation or variation of SARS-CoV-2. For the avoidance of doubt, coverage for COVID-19 … Read more

How are we different from other travel insurance plans?

We provide specialist travel insurance for vacationers and extraordinary travellers who need more than ordinary insurance. Unlike most travel insurance plans, we offer cover for popular tourist destinations worldwide as well as unconventional or remote destinations, including those that are under government travel advisories and COVID-19 restrictions. You can also purchase our policies while already … Read more

Test Question for Student travel

Travel insurance protects you from financial losses you could incur while traveling, either domestically or internationally. Travel insurance is a standalone policy purchased on a per-trip basis, with costs varying based on factors like your age, the length of trip, activities you’ll be participating in, and how much you spent on the trip. Trip insurance … Read more

Test Question for Leisure

Travel insurance protects you from financial losses you could incur while traveling, either domestically or internationally. Travel insurance is a standalone policy purchased on a per-trip basis, with costs varying based on factors like your age, the length of trip, activities you’ll be participating in, and how much you spent on the trip. Trip insurance … Read more

Test Question for Business

Travel insurance protects you from financial losses you could incur while traveling, either domestically or internationally. Travel insurance is a standalone policy purchased on a per-trip basis, with costs varying based on factors like your age, the length of trip, activities you’ll be participating in, and how much you spent on the trip. Trip insurance … Read more

Are there any hidden fees or charges?

No. We are committed to treating our customers fairly and are transparent in everything we do. When buying a policy with us, you will not pay us a fee. Instead we receive a commission from the insurance carriers that we work with.

What happens in case of emergencies?

We strongly recommend that you provide your battleface policy and contact information to your travel companies, friends or family members. In case of an emergency, if you are not able to reach us, your next of kin should be able to contact us 24/7 through: Email: [email protected] Tel: +1.855.998.2928 or +1.571.441.0775

Does the insurance provide doctor support in coordination with local medical teams when traveling overseas?

Yes, the Robin Assist medical advisory teams consists of physicians and nurses who provide oversight to recommended emergency assistance services. They will usually coordinate with the local attending medical teams when obtaining medical and necessary case information. For medical evacuation and transportation, based on Fit to Travel recommendations, patients are often accompanied by a physician, … Read more